Baccarat Game App
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The "Sightseeing Tour" is an app for children from Sweden's Television. The game was developed for the Christmas calendar "The Children Hedenhös invent Christmas", which is broadcast in SVT1 and the Children's Channel 2013.
Your mission is to light the star!
The game offers a combination of creativity and exciting challenges.
Moving the magic sagogry from the Stone Age to the present, you succeed in accomplishing the mission and building your very own dream racket at the same time.
In Sagogrynets trip you cFortune Rabbit an:
Build on your rocket and test new parts in the rocket lab
- Fly with the rocket in 24 different lanes
- Pick a sago bag that can give you new rocket parts
- save your rocket
- save up to four ongoing games on one and the same device
The app has been developed in collaboration with children and carefully tested so that it will be fun and exciting especially for children from 6 years old, but the game will also provide challenges for significantly older children.
The "Sightseeing Tour" is free and there are no purchases inside the app (no in app purchases).