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This Million Dreams application is dedicated to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam's sir vision 2020 is right around the corner. You know what that means: time to set a bunch of goals(Dreams). If you want a better way to keep track of them, You have come in for the best place. In all seriousness, if you're not a goal-setter, you might want to become one. According to Psychology Today, research shows setting a specific goal makes you likelier to achieve the desired outcome. Yet another study by Gail Matthews revealed that participants who wrote down their goals were 33 percent more successful in reaching them. In other words, set goals, write them down, and you position yourself to be far more successful in reaching those milestones than if you were to skip those first two steps.
Million Dreams, is an amazing platform to create and build upon better habits. It allows you to measure your progress so you know how to improve upon it, set targets and reminders, celebrate milestones, and view your journey across the weeks and months. It helps you get organized when it comes to tracking your goals and habits, assisting you in building the perfect routine to be successful in life. Our system offers a good deal of variety and flexibility, making it an efficient task manager to set and reach your personal goals. You can customize the app's productivity system to fit your needs, set reminders and due dates, and put tasks on repeat.