Baccarat Game App
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Columbus is a great city!! LinkedIn cited it as the number one up-and-coming city in the world because there is always so much going on, and so many things to try! However, many people in the community don’t realize the city’s true potential!! As Columbus continues to develop, we need everyone to stay connected and get involved in local events to promote economic growth. Our app, CBUS, is the solution!!!!!! CBUS is a social media event-sharing platform filtered by personal interests. The app thrives on personalized accounts that allow all users to post pins about events they are excited about and view events posted by others. It is easy for users to set up an account, requiring only a username, password, and email address. Users can post events by entering the title, event type, address, description, photo and ticket link if applicable. CBUS then finds the location, puts it on a map, and makes a pin linked to the info visible to users. The core of the app relies on the individualized experience it provides through allowing users to filter the posts they see based on the interests they select. By simply checking boxes regarding event category, they can filter which events appear to them, making it easier to find compelling local attractions. With this app, we wanna connect everyone in Columbus and get them ou7up Down Playt in their communities taking in all our city has to offer. Please check out our app on the Google Play Store today!!!!!!